
Simplify your operation with Notificações Inteligentes Workflow. Automate actions based on triggers and customize workflows on WhatsApp. Try it now!

Revolutionize Sales and Relationship Management with Intelligent Automations

Transform the way you connect with your customers and optimize every stage of the sales funnel with Notificações Inteligentes Workflow.

Increase your conversions by automatically recovering abandoned carts, send scheduled coupons to encourage repeat purchases, and nurture leads with personalized messages – all in a simple way. – from the first contact to post-sale.

These teams use Workflow to put the customer at the center of everything.

Start your Automation Journey with Workflow, the tool Steve Jobs would use to sell more on WhatsApp.

Automate your operations and boost your results with the smartest and most powerful tool on the market.

Turn WhatsApp into a true conversion machine with Workflow, now equipped with advanced intelligence to create automated sales funnels, personalized follow-up flows, and post-sale customer activations.

Reduce costs, increase productivity, and deliver an impeccable experience to your customers – all with the smartest and most integrated automation on the market.

% recovery of abandoned carts

Companies using Workflow increase sales conversion by up to 40% by automating messages to customers who abandoned their cart.

% more repeat purchases post-sale

Loyal customers return to buy again, thanks to scheduled discount coupon flows.

% faster service

With intelligent automations for customer reception, Workflow ensures immediate service, preventing customer loss due to delayed responses.

% more engaged qualified leads

Automate lead follow-up and see your campaigns achieve surprising results.

What can you achieve with Workflow?

Deliver efficient and effective sales and service experiences with a single, easy-to-use platform.

Personalized Automation Management

Help your team automate sales and post-sales processes, serve customers instantly, and generate more results, thanks to a centralized and intelligent workspace.

Provide your team with advanced tools to set up automatic follow-ups and repeat purchase campaigns on special dates, such as your customer's birthday. Ensure that each customer receives a personalized and immediate experience, optimizing your operation for better results.

Automatically qualify your leads and let your team focus on the best ones

Deliver efficient and effective sales and service experiences with a single, easy-to-use platform.

Intelligent Lead Qualification

With Workflow, you turn lead capture into an efficient screening machine. Automate initial questions, collect important information, and direct the best leads to your sales team – all without manual effort.

Connect and automate all operations with the tools you already use

Centralize your operations on WhatsApp and integrate Notificações Inteligentes Workflow with the main e-commerce platforms, CRMs, and payment gateways in Brazil and around the world. Automate processes, simplify data management, and maximize your results without complications.

Workflow x Competitors

FeaturesWorkflow NICompetitors
Sending conversion pulses

Meta Ads or any advertising platform.

No direct integrations.

100% WhatsApp Automation

Complete flows within WhatsApp.

Limited to external integrations.

Integrations with e-commerce/CRM/Gateways

Shopify, RD Station, Mercado Pago, etc.

Restricted or absent integrations.

Customizable and unlimited flows

No limits on creation or customization.

Limited by plans or resources.

Local support

Brazilian and global market.

Focus only on the global market.

See what people are saying about NI's Workflow

Davi Pires

Davi Pires

CMO of a Home Decor E-commerce

WhatsApp message automation was a game changer for our business. With Notificações Inteligentes Workflow, we managed to earn an additional R$ 485,975.00 in a few months without increasing our ad spend.

Priscila Cavalcante

Priscila Cavalcante

Founder of an Online Education Infoproduct

Using Notificações Inteligentes CRM was essential to double our revenue. With automation and personalized lead tracking, we transformed customer relationships and exponentially increased our results.

Ready to transform your operations with Workflow?

Start right now!

Use Workflow right now and see in practice how it can transform your business and maximize your results.

Talk to a Specialist

Talk to one of our specialists to discover how Workflow can meet the specific needs of your business and maximize your results.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Intelligent Notifications Workflow